Thanks for opening my newsletter!
1. Food Science factoids and what's new?
2. When to see me? (hint: this weekend!)
3. Deals!
(At the farmers' market, mention you received this newsletter for 10% off!)
What are "Eco" Apples?

(Photo: My new "Eco" apples from Rhinebeck, New York)
A primary objective of my business is "to support local agriculture." (you might say, these are "first principles", which is becoming an overused term, or "prime directive" if you're a Star Trek nerd.) Anyway, my goal is to use ingredients from the Northeast, where I'm located. So, I specifically developed products that use produce that grows in the Northeast (eg, apples, pears, tomatoes, mushrooms, eggplant, garlic, and zucchini.) Frequently, when purchasing through a produce distributor, my produce comes from farms in New York State, New Jersey, but then, from farther away states, such as North Carolina, Florida, and Washington State. However, sometimes, produce comes from Chile, Mexico, Argentina, or Peru. However, considering my organization's tiny size and purchasing power, I'd love to help support small farms with business or trade, especially since it can be difficult to reach consumers. I know being "too small" can be difficult, too. Thankfully, I'm too small too! So it's a great fit.
As I get more connected with the local growing community, I hope to meet more small farms and growers who can work with me. This will happen "organically" (pun intended.)
This bring me to this newsletter's topic. I learned a new term: "Eco Farming", which I'm sharing with you.
I guess some very small farms are growing in an organic manner, such as without chemical pesticides, but are not "certified organic" due to the certification fees, since these farms/orchards are so small. However, growers, for simplicity, might still be calling their produce, "organic." I don't know this for sure, but for small farmers, the fixed cost of getting certified likely doesn't make economic sense (and it's a 3-year process (at a minimum) for the land to become "certified organic")
For example, QAI is a major certifier of organic: https://www.qai-inc.com/) Their clients include Costco, so not exactly a "small potatoes." There might be smaller certifiers out there, but QAI is one of the most reputable.
Small farms and orchards, by not using pesticides, help the bees, insects, bird population, and ecosystem in general; contributing to human health in the region. (and a direct benefit: we avoid ever eating pesticides!)
These past few weeks, I started receiving and dehydrating honeycrisp eco apples from Rhinebeck, New York. These are perhaps the best tasting apples I've ever had. It's almost a shame to dehydrate them, since they are so good raw, but they were going to go bad without a home, and they dehydrate very nicely: the skins are thin, which makes the slices slightly easier to chew.
I hope you found this interesting! Hopefully, I'll see you this weekend, and we can do some taste testing!
-David F, the food scientist
Come to the farmers market for free samples!
What's Dave been making, lately?
1. K9 Bros Shareable Red Apples, Green Apples, and Pears!
2. Black Garlic!
(delicious superfood)
#2. When to see moi next?
This Saturday! Great Neck! North Shore Farms
This Sunday! Huntington!
Bring yourself and your pup down for free samples!
(Twice per month for the outdoor market season)
Saturdays |
Sundays |
North Shore Farms in store Demo in Great Neck Nov 9th 11am to 4pm |
Nov 10th 8am to 12:30pm |
North Shore Farms in store Demo in Great Neck Nov 23th 11am to 4pm |
Nov 24th 8am to 12:30pm |
More info & directions:
1. North Shore Farms in Great Neck
2. Huntington and Babylon Farmers Market Website
2a. Huntington Farmers Market (Map Location)
2b. Babylon Farmers' Market (Map Location)
Free Flag Frame!
No purchase necessary! Come down to the farmers market/in-store demo to pick one up! First come, first serve!
Thank you for your family's service!
3. Deals!
Subscription direct to your door!
If you can’t come to my products, have my products come to you!
Subscribe and Save! 5% off and free shipping on qualifying orders!
Shameless plugs:
Fresh dried fruit is a weight loss cure!
(this statement that has not been substantiated by any scientific study... but no sugar added dried apples and pears can't be bad!)
No sugar added! Slow and low temperature dehydrated to preserve vitamins, antioxidants, and flavors!
(compare to other brands' apple chips which are high-temperature baked or fried in oil! Yuck!)
USA Grown fruit! Carefully dehydrated!
And the only spreadable black garlic!
2) Red Apples with cinnamon-spice!
3) Green Apples!
4) Green Apples with cinnamon spice!
7) Vegetable Jerky!
8) Tomato Chews!
9) Charoset Apples!
10) Green apples with walnuts and cranberries!
And many more!
and K9 BROS TREATS! All natural! Arrrf!
1) Chicken: Whole meat!
(no beak nor feather by-products!)
2) Liver of Beef
(Naturally Vitamin Packed!)
3) Heart of Beef
(Especially for senior dogs)
4) Sweet Potato
(Healthy, natural chew!)
5, 6, and 7) Shareable Red Apples, Green Apples, and Pears!
(Two treats in one! One for you, and one for your doggo!)
Hypothesis: I will see you this Saturday or Sunday! 😃
Null hypothesis: I will not see you this weekend 😭
Conclusion: Not sure! Let's see!
Secret website coupon! 10% off with coupon code "grand opening" and "black garlic"
20% off black garlic if you order a dozen units with coupon code "Dozen"
★ k9bros.com ★
☆ gourmet-magic ☆
★ bubble-science ★
Featured Retailer for my Gourmet Magic dried fruits and black garlic:
1. North Shore Farms in Great Neck
K9 Bros Featured Retailers:
1. East Village: Whiskers
2. Upper West Side: The Pet Market NYC
3. Long Island: The K9 Shop
(1) Casting for Recovery: outdoor retreats for breast cancer survivors
National office: 888-553-3500
(2) Long Island Fly Rodders
(3) C.L.I.M.B.
Concerned Long Island Mountain Bicyclists
(4) Long Island Greenbelt Trail Conference
(5) North Shore Alliance
My Food Science "Greatest Hits"
1. Deep Dive: Black Garlic Research Links
2. Garlic Health Benefits
3. "Is black garlic fermented?"
4. Black Garlic Caramelization Chemistry
5. Maillard Reaction
6. Pasteurization, Methanol toxicity in Diet Soda and Alcoholic Spirits
7. I created a FUN FOOD SCIENCE 101 POSTER
9. Food Chemistry of a HANGOVER!
10. Food Dehydration teaches us about climate change: Part ONE and Part TWO
11. Vinegar is a DOUBLE fermentation
12. Salt Preservation
13. The Saponification Reaction
14. Food Chemistry BOND ENTHALPY
16. Halloween themed "food chemical SCARIES"
17. Hydrocolloids (Gels)
18. My Ag-Tech Competition Entry Youtube Video
19. Interview of me with videographer and podcaster, Nick Rizzo
20. How to store fruits and vegetables
21. Citric Acid
22. My Solar Electric Motorized Kayak
All previous newsletters, click here